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Saturday, July 23, 2011

TumbleBooks help struggling readers!

If your child is having difficulties with reading, try TumbleBooks or TumbleReadables (with books for older kids) - the links are on our kids page:

The June edition of School Library Journal has a great article on how a school used Tumblebooks with emergent readers, with remarkable results.

The students using Tumblebooks leapt ahead of their peers. Last November, three months after starting the project, the average fluency rate for the Tumblebook group was 23 percentage points higher than that of the control group. Students using the ebooks had moved from a Lexile level of K to M. By January, the entire group of children in the ebook program had achieved fluency to the point that they were "exited" from her pull-out sessions and integrated back into their regular classrooms. It took the control group two months longer.

She credits the success to the ebooks' ability to narrate the story, while allowing students to feel like they're in control of what and when they read. "When students repeatedly have a strong model of fluency, the more they hear that, the better they get it".

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Brenda Carter Memorial Art Workshop this Saturday!

As part of the library's TD Summer Reading Club, the Library will be holding a double Art Workshop for Kids in memory of internationally-renowned local artist Brenda Carter. The art workshops will run on
Sat. July 23
10:30 in the morning for kids 4 - 8 years old  
1:00 in the afternoon for kids 9 years & up.

Tying into this year's Reading Club's theme “Splash - Celebrate Summer”, local artist Debbie Alexander will lead the morning workshop in painting an underwater mural to hang in the library - and yes, there will be finger-painting! In the afternoon workshop, the older kids can join Debbie to learn to make origami sea creatures to decorate our mural and take home.

Register at 613-269-3326 or merrickville_library@bellnet.ca - space is limited!