The Library has great summer activities for kids!
Our Summer Reading Club Is Here!:
Calling all kids to our “Imagine” Summer Reading Club for ages 4 -12 (sponsored by the TD Financial Group)! Join and get a poster, activity book, & stickers! Get a ticket for our summer prize draws for each book read! The TD Summer Reading Club can be done as an independent reading program, or join us for some of our "fantastic" activities and events. Summer reading programs have been shown to preserve and enhance literacy skills over the summer - they encourage kids to read for pleasure and develop the reading habit.
"Imagine" Activities & Crafts:
Join us for fantasy-themed crafts & activities on Thursday afternoons (1:00 – 2:30 pm) in July & August - starting July 5.
Activities include a 2-part workshop creating a life-size papier-mache dragon with local artist Debbie Alexander - part of our series of
Brenda Carter Memorial Art Workshops for Kids (July 12 & 26).
More Programs for Kids in July:
Dinosaurs & Dragons - Just Imagine! (Sat. July 7, 10:30 & 1:00):
Most cultures have legends about Dragons. Where did these mythical creatures come from? Are they based on dinosaur fossils?
Find out with Betsy Cotton “The Dinosaur Lady”! For ages 5-9.
The library is offering 2 sessions of this fun presentation - participation is limited to 15 kids/session. Don't be disappointed - register early!
Learn to Knit! (Tues. July 10, 1:00):
The Merrickville Knitting Club is offering beginning instruction and help to aspiring knitters & crocheters of all ages (needles & wool available).
Knitting 101 Drop-in (Mondays in July @ 6:30+):
In a snarl? Knitting Club members will be on hand to help with your knitting & crochet problems.
Juice Jam (Sat. July 14, 1:00):
Music program with Polly Beach for ages 9 & under. Join us for songs, rhythm instruments, lots of audience participation, & a snack.
"Il Etait Une Fois…" (Sat. July 28, 1:00):
Join us on for another French StoryTime with Denise Vanopdenbosch.
LEGO Club (Sat., July 14, 21, 28 @ 11:00):
Saturday mornings are LEGO time at the library in July. Join us for a brick-filled hour of building fun for ages 5-12.
StoryTime (Fridays @ 10(ish)): StoryTime for ages 6 & under (and a parent/caregiver) continues through the summer. Stories, songs, rhythm instruments and a simple craft.
For more information or to register for any of our programs, please contact the library (613-269-3326 or email us ).
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