Upcoming Programs & Events @ your Library

Find out about Programs and other Special Events at Merrickville Library!

To Register for programs or events, Call 613-269-3326

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

TD Summer Reading Club is almost here!

TD Summer Reading Club
 Is (almost) Here!: 
Calling all kids to our “Go!” TD Summer Reading Club for ages 4 -12 (sponsored by the TD Financial Group) - running through July & August!  
Join and get a passport, activity book, & stickers!  Get a ticket for our summer prize draws for each book read!  Visit the TD Summer Reading Club website for games and more!
The TD Summer Reading Club can be done as an independent reading program - or join us for our Thursday afternoon activities (see below). 
Summer reading programs have been shown to preserve and enhance literacy skills over the summer - they encourage kids to read for pleasure and develop the reading habit.  

Reading Club Activities & Crafts (Thursdays, 1:00-2:30pm):  Join us for travel & transportation themed crafts & activities, starting July 4.  Activities include an "Around the World" art workshop with local artist Debbie Alexander - part of our series of Brenda Carter Memorial Art Workshops for Kids (July 11) - and a remote-control airplane demo (July 18).

LEGO Club (Saturdays, 10 - 12 noon):  Saturday mornings are LEGO time at the library this summer.  Drop in anytime between 10 and noon for some brick-filled building fun for ages 4-12.

StoryTime (Fridays, 10ish):  StoryTime for ages 6 & under (and a parent/caregiver) continues through the summer! 

Monday, June 17, 2013

Wills & Power of Attorney Seminar - June 20

Join us for an Information Seminar on Wills and Power of Attorney on Thurs. June 20 at 2:00 pm at the Library.

Wills and power of attorney are something we all need, but many of us put off thinking about.  Attorney Leonard Max (from Max Law) will lead this informative seminar on these important subjects. 

Contact the Library (or 613-269-3326) to register.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Off the Shelf - Mon. June 17!

Join us for a special evening of Theatre Night in Merrickville's Off the Shelf on Monday, June 17 at 7:00 pm.

This will be an "Open Mic Night" where members of our Off the Shelf audience will be taking their
turn in the ultra-comfy "Reader's Chair" to share a favourite short reading, poem, monologue/ dialogue, or other literary gem - and experience their 5-10 minutes of fame! 
As always, light refreshments will be available. 

This is Off the Shelf's season finale (don't worry, it will be back in Sept.), so don't miss it!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Wellness Talk - "Food Matters" - June 12!

Don't miss this month's Wellness Talk, "Food Matters", on Wed. June 12, 6:30 pm at the Library.

"With nutritionally-depleted foods, chemical additives and our tendency to rely upon pharmaceutical drugs to treat what's wrong with our malnourished bodies, it's no wonder that modern society is getting sicker."  This is the premise of the acclaimed documentary "Food Matters". 

Join Naturopathic Doctor Katie Weststrate at this month's Health & Wellness Talk, for a screening and discussion of this film about the global 'sickness industry' and choices you can make to improve your health.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Juice Jam - Saturday, June 8 at 10:30am

Join us for Juice Jam  this Saturday - June 8 - at 10:30 am!

Polly Beach is back with another Juice Jam music program  - with singing, rhythm instruments, lots of audience participation, and juice! - for ages 8 and under.

Please contact the library (email or 613-269-3326) to register.

See you there!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

What's happening at the library in June?

This month, the Library is hosting a Juice Jam music program for kids, in addition to our regular children's programs - plus, some great programs for adults!

Adult Programs:  

Wellness Talk: "Food Matters" (Wed. June 12, 6:30 pm): 
"With nutritionally-depleted foods, chemical additives and our tendency to rely upon pharmaceutical drugs to treat what's wrong with our malnourished bodies, it's no wonder that modern society is getting sicker." 
This is the premise of the renowned documentary "Food Matters".  Join Naturopathic Doctor Katie Weststrate at this month's Health & Wellness Talk, for a screening and discussion of this film about the global 'sickness industry' and choices you can make to improve your health.

Off the Shelf! (Mon. June 17, 7:00 pm): 
Join us for a special evening of Theatre Night in Merrickville's Off the Shelf.  This will be an "Open Mic Night" where any member of the community is welcome to experience their 5-10 minutes of fame!  Don't be shy!  Take your turn in the ultra-comfy "Reader's Chair" and share a favourite short reading, poem, monologue/dialogue, or other literary gem!  Contact Martin Green (613-269-3886) or the library if you are interested in being a reader. 
As always, light refreshments will be available.  This is Off the Shelf's season finale (don't worry, it will be back in Sept.), so don't miss it!

Wills and Power of Attorney Info Seminar (Thurs., June 20, 2:00 pm):
Wills and power of attorney are something we all need, but many of us put off thinking about.  Join Leonard Max (from Max Law) for an informative seminar on these important subjects. 

Children's Programs:

Juice Jam (Sat. June 8, 10:30 am):
Polly Beach is back with another Juice Jam music program  - with singing, rhythm instruments, lots of audience participation, and juice! - for ages 8 and under.

LEGO Club: 
LEGO Club continues on Saturdays at 1:00 pm in June.  Come for a brick-filled hour of building fun for ages 5 - 12.

Join us Fridays at 10(ish) for stories, songs & rhymes and a craft.  The 1st Friday of the month is extra toddler-friendly.  New StoryTimers are always welcome.

Summer Reading Club Coming Soon!: 
Calling all kids to our “Go!” Summer Reading Club for ages 5 -12 (sponsored by the TD Financial Group)!   This summer-long reading program can be done independently, or kids can join us for weekly crafts & activities.  Summer reading programs help prevent “learning loss” and improve reading performance - plus, they're lots of fun.  The TD Summer Reading Club starts in July. 

Plant Sale - a Success!

The Friends of the Library’s annual Plant Sale was another success - raising $800 for library programs, eResources, and our DVD pool. 

Thank You

We’d like to thank everyone who came out and a special thanks to everyone who donated plants and other items for the sale, including:
  • Andress Independent Grocer (Smiths Falls),
  • Ferguson Forest Centre,
  • Floral Design Landscape & Nursery,
  • Food Basics (Kemptville),
  • Garden Market (Smiths Falls),
  • Green Acres Greenhouses (Smiths Falls),
  • Jonsson's Independent Grocer (Kemptville),
  • Pioneer Nursery (Kemptville),
  • Rideau Woodland Ramble,
  • TSC Hardware (Kemptville). 
  • Special thanks to Karen & Hidden Treasures/ Inch of Gold for letting us use the lawn!