The Library has lots of (free) workshops and seminars in November!
Contact the library (or 613-269-3326) to sign up.
iPad/ iPhone User Group (Sat. Nov. 1, 10:30 am):
Find out how to do more with your iPad or iPhone with Bob Gray. New users are welcome. Don’t forget your iDevice! Contact the library to register.
Elder Abuse (Mon, Nov. 10, 2:30 pm):
Join us for a repeat of Laurie Bowen’s (Arts for Life Psychotherapy) seminar on recognizing the signs of Elder Abuse and how to get help.
Take Control of Your Mac (Sat. Nov. 15, 10:30 am):
Is your Mac not as user-friendly as it seemed in the commercial? Bob Gray (our local Mac guru) can help! Contact the library to register for this free seminar.
Off the Shelf! (Mon., Nov. 17, 7:00 pm):
Last month's evening of literary gems for adult listeners featured an entertaining Halloween potpourri of readings about decapitation, zombies, and sex with cannibals! Who knows what your host Martin Green will have in store for this month? Don't miss it!
Holistic Nutrition Series (Tues, Nov 18 & 25, 3:00 pm):
Karin Martinelli (RHN) of Tilia Blossom Wellness continues her free holistic nutrition workshop series on ‘The Foundation of Good Health’.
This month will cover:
- Nov. 18 - ‘Foods for Brain Health’. Foods that boost mood, memory, and reduce stress to keep our brains active & alert at any age.
- Nov. 25 - ‘Understanding Nutritional Labels’. Learn how to recognize sugars, additives, & preservative and which ones to avoid.
Health Impacts: Electromagnetic Exposure (Thurs, Nov. 20, 6:30 pm):
From plasma TV's to cell phones and wireless gadgets of all kinds - join Dr. Katie Weststrate, ND to explore current research on the health impacts of exposure to electromagnetic fields and microwave radiation.
Beat the Holiday Blues (Mon, Nov. 24, 2:30 pm):
During the holiday season, many people experience depression or grief due to the loss of loved ones. Join Laurie Bowen (Arts for Life Psychotherapy) for natural remedies and coping strategies to help you through the holidays.
Activities for Kids!
Brenda Carter Memorial Art Workshops for Kids (Sat, Nov. 22, 1:00 pm):
Join Debbie Alexander (of Creative Play & Art Exploration for Children and Adults) to make custom hand-illustrated Christmas cards. For ages 8+. Registration required.
StoryTime (Fridays, 10(ish))
LEGO Club (Saturdays, 10 - 12 noon): both continue in Nov!
Read to Every Kid is back!:
The county-wide "Read to Every Kid Every Day" campaign is back for its 6th year! This year's 10 selected picture books are available at the library. Share them with your children and have them vote for their favourite. The program runs until January, and the book with the most votes will be announced on Family Literacy Day. Reading to children from the earliest age contributes to greater success in school and in life. The 10 selected titles promote key skills for reading success, as well as being lots of fun.