Join Debbie Alexander (of Creative Play & Art Exploration for Children and Adults) for a ‘Hearts Gallery’ art workshop just in time for Valentine’s Day. 4 different projects to try – fun for boys and girls aged 8+.
Tax Tips for Seniors (Sat. Feb. 21, 10:45 am):
It’s that time again! Keep up-to-date at this information seminar, by John Harris CMC, covering:
- tax changes for 2014,
- pension splitting for Seniors (CPP, other pensions including RRIFs) & a demonstration of the benefits of pension splitting,
- foreign pensions,
- OAS claw-backs,
- RRSP and CPP contributions for Seniors,
- Seniors Property Tax Credit,
- Seniors Healthy Home Improvement Refundable Credit for 2013 & 2014,
- filing amendments,
- and a brief demonstration of a popular tax computer program.
Access Library eBooks (Thurs evenings 6-8:30 or by appointment):
Learn how to access eBooks and eAudiobooks from the library on your eReader, tablet, or phone! Drop by with your device for a personal tutorial showing you how to browse, checkout and download library eBooks and eAudiobooks anytime, anywhere.
StoryTime (Fridays, 10ish):
Bring your toddler or preschooler for stories, songs, rhymes, and a simple craft - all related to a fun theme. Encourages early literacy skills in a fun and relaxed environment. New StoryTimers are always welcome.
LEGO Club (Saturdays, 10 - 12 noon):
Come for building fun at our drop-in LEGO Club.
March Break is coming!
Details on our March Break activities for kids coming soon!